What is a Single-Level Bill of Materials (BOM)?

Single-Level Bill of Materials (BOM) Definition

A bill of materials (BOM) is a complete listing of parts, assemblies, and other materials required to build a product. A BOM can be thought of as the recipe used to create a product. The bill of materials explains what, how, and where to buy required materials, and includes instructions for how to assemble the product from the various parts ordered.

A single-level BOM represents one level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies.

A multilevel BOM contains several subassemblies, each of which can also be a single-level BOMs.


How are product costs calculated in a BOM?

Bill of materials (BOM) computations use data from a variety of sources to determine a manufactured item’s typical costs. Information regarding items, bill routings, indirect cost calculation algorithms, and the costing version are among the sources.

*Source: https://docs.microsoft.com

How ae single-level BOMs used?

Single-level BOMs are typically used for products that are simple in design and do not require any subassemblies.

*Source: https://manufacturing-software-blog.mrpeasy.com

What are the two types of BOM processing?

The two main types of BOMs are engineering BOMs and manufacturing BOMs.

*Source: https://www.investopedia.com

Best Practices for BOM Management

Read our best practices articles for tips on effective and efficient bill of materials (BOM) management.