What is Linear Economy?

Linear Economy Definition

The “”take-make-waste”” model of production and consumption that has dominated industrial societies for centuries is referred to as a linear economy. In a linear economy, raw materials are extracted from the environment, transformed into finished products, and then sold to consumers. When products are no longer desirable or useful, they are discarded as waste.

This linear economic approach is characterized by high levels of resource consumption, waste production, and environmental degradation. The emphasis is placed on producing and consuming as much as possible, regardless of the long-term consequences.

A circular economy, on the other hand, is an alternative model that aims to keep materials in use for as long as possible through reuse, repair, and recycling. This strategy aims to reduce waste and resource consumption while promoting sustainable patterns of production and consumption.

Creating a circular economy necessitates a paradigm shift and the redesign of economic systems. It requires a reconsideration of product design, production processes, supply chains, and consumer behavior. A circular economy is a more resilient and sustainable model of economic development that is better equipped to face the challenges of the twenty-first century.

Business Benefits of a Circular Economy

Read why more and more organizations are moving away from a linear economy and embracing circular product development models instead.