Environmental compliance is designed to protect the environment with laws, regulations, and codes. Conforming to the standards and other requirements to operate while not harming the environment, which is applicable to a hazardous material or the environment that includes air, water, or ground contamination or pollution. Companies and facilities must adhere to various regulations and rules that are prescribed by certain environmental agencies. Companies must conform in satisfying environmental requirements. Regulations and permits allow for the safe operating procedures by companies to make sure the environment is not being harmed.
Specific types of environmental compliance include RoHS, REACH, WEEE, and conflict minerals.
Environmental compliance enables companies to manufacture and sell products in certain markets without incurring costly fines and penalties. It also enables businesses to adopt more sustainable practices that lead to improved operational efficiency, reduced costs, minimal waste, and enhanced brand image.
Regulatory compliance can span FDA, ISO, OSHA, SOX, and many other types of compliance. Depending on the type of compliance, it helps companies operate more effectively, safely, and/or within clearly established regulations to ensure product, consumer, or environmental safety.
To manage environmental compliance:
*Source: pmenv.com
An environmental compliance program establishes the necessary tools (e.g., SOPs, policies, compliance calendars, employee training documents, management plans) to help organizations meet regulatory requirements. It also keeps organizations on track with recordkeeping and scheduled compliance reporting to various regulatory agencies.
*Source: braunintertec.com
With tightening environmental legislation and shifting consumer preferences, there’s a greater push for companies to adopt sustainable product development practices and deliver eco-friendly products.
Thus, many manufacturers are stepping up to the plate to help build a greener future and enhance our quality of life. Learn how to streamline environmental compliance for sustainable product development.