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5 Tips to Minimize Tariff Risks in Your Supply Chain

5 Tips to Minimize Tariff Risks in Your Supply Chain

With recent political shifts potentially leading to an influx of new tariffs, manufacturers are gearing up for considerable disruptions across the global supply chain. In 2024, the Biden administration finalized tariff hikes on several Chinese-made goods including lithium-ion EV batteries, solar energy inputs, and semiconductors1. More tariffs are likely to follow as U.S. President-elect Donald...

Avoid Getting Blindsided by Supply Chain Issues: Key Strategies for Product Manufacturers

Avoid Getting Blindsided by Supply Chain Issues: Key Strategies for Product Manufacturers

In today’s rapidly evolving global landscape, supply chain resiliency has become paramount for product manufacturers striving to maintain a competitive advantage and ensure long-term success. The increasing frequency of disruptions, whether due to natural disasters, pandemics, or geopolitical tensions, underscores the urgent need for robust supply chain strategies. In a recent webinar, industry...

From Quality Management to Quality Optimization in the Electronics Industry

From Quality Management to Quality Optimization in the Electronics Industry

Balancing Speed, Quality, and Margins: A Proactive Approach for Electronic OEMs Speed and profit margins: these are the key priorities for most electronic OEMs. But achieving both typically means striking a balance between quality, cost, and the schedule—creating tension between engineers and operations teams prioritizing different metrics. Typically, OEMs prioritize growth, while Quality gets...