Arena Cloud Documents Connection

Google Docs Collaboration and Arena Control



You want the control Arena provides and the simplicity of Microsoft 365 collaboration. You can have both with controlled, connected Microsoft 365 documents in Arena.

Document Management Graphic-Product Quality Training Compliance


Familiar Collaboration Capabilities

Use Google Docs collaboration to develop and improve Google document files with your entire team.

Product-Document Version Tracing

Links with specific versions of files and provides document history.

Seamless to Enable, Use, and Administer

Supported by Arena.




Simplifies document management processes and traceability for easier audits

  • Links with specific versions of files

  • Provides real-time document updates

  • When used with Arena Watermarking, generates PDF on-demand

Reduces administration overhead and end-user training

  • Requires no installation and is supported by Arena

  • Uses your preferred document collaboration solution

  • Needs no upload or download, no check-in or check-out

Controls and connects Microsoft 365 documents

  • Enables collaboration in the Cloud to create and review files and control using Arena

Results in higher quality, up-to-date, more consistent documents like SOPs, instructions, and standards for the extended product team

  • Connects completed, WIP, and in-review Microsoft 365 files to product and process records


Simplifies document management processes and traceability for easier audits

  • Links with specific versions of files

  • Provides real-time document updates

  • When used with Arena Watermarking, generates PDF on-demand

Reduces administration overhead and end-user training

  • Requires no installation and is supported by Arena

  • Uses your preferred document collaboration solution

  • Needs no upload or download, no check-in or check-out

Controls and connects Microsoft 365 documents

  • Enables collaboration in the Cloud to create and review files and control using Arena

Results in higher quality, up-to-date, more consistent documents like SOPs, instructions, and standards for the extended product team

  • Connects completed, WIP, and in-review Microsoft 365 files to product and process records


With Arena, you can have the flexibility of Microsoft 365 to create and improve files and the control of Arena, so everyone is on the same page.

Start using Arena today to manage your product documentation seamlessly.

To find out how you can join our community of innovative customers, contact [email protected].